The hottest place in the United States is Death Valley National Park where temperatures exceed 130 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also the driest place in the country (but still has lakes and fish) and the lowest place in the country (282 feet below sea level).

Highlights of this dramatic region include the salt flats of the Badwater Basin, sweeping Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, steep clay slopes of the Badlands, 9-mile scenic drive on Artists Drive, the crackling salt of Devil’s Golf Course, and Death Valley’s most famous view: Zabriskie Point.

Two very important tips on getting to death valley from NPS:

  • GPS Navigation to and around Death Valley is notoriously unreliable. Numerous travelers have been directed to the wrong location or even dead-end or closed roads. Travelers should always carry up-to-date road maps to check the accuracy of GPS directions.
  • There is no specific street address for the park or the Furnace Creek Visitor Center. Many GPS users have had success using the street address for the Death Valley Post Office which is located about 400 meters south of the visitor center.
  • The post office address is: 328 Greenland Blvd., Death Valley, CA 92328
  • Map coordinates for the visitor center are: N 36°27.70 W 116°52.00